Comfort is a Slow Death…Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

In one of the workout videos I like to watch, the trainer says, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” I’ve also been eyeing a workout t-shirt that says, “Comfort is a Slow Death…Prefer Pain.” Maybe pain is too strong of a word, but discomfort certainly applies to most of my workouts, but I’ve found that thisContinueContinue reading “Comfort is a Slow Death…Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable”


This idea has been front and center in my mind these past few days. I’m in the midst of preparing for my final exam in my Yoga Teacher Training and also preparing for holidays as well as watching weather crises wind down in the south and the slow roll of Covid vaccine rollout in myContinueContinue reading “Interconnectedness”

Why Yoga *Probably* Isn’t What You Think It Is…or Yoga the Physical Practice vs. Yoga the Religious/Spiritual Practice

If you ask the average American to describe what Yoga is, they’ll probably talk about people bending themselves into contortions, thin white women in yoga pants, chanting, and breathing. Until recently, most Yoga studios had a very particular aesthetic, with lotus blossoms, mood lighting, and even elements of Buddhism or Hinduism mixed in with artContinueContinue reading “Why Yoga *Probably* Isn’t What You Think It Is…or Yoga the Physical Practice vs. Yoga the Religious/Spiritual Practice”

Exercise and Brushing Your Teeth

When I was in college, I was also in Air Force ROTC for 2 years. I didn’t complete the program due to my genetically imperfect knees, which in the 90’s was enough to get you bumped. Still, I learned a lot and found myself in the best shape of my life. Even so, I hatedContinueContinue reading “Exercise and Brushing Your Teeth”

Supplement Review – Garden of Life SPORT Plant Based Recovery

So, I’ve talked previously about supplements and the main categories that most people begin with and whether you even need them, but this time around, I’m reviewing a specific product I tried out this week, which is a recovery drink. The purpose of this drink is to try to help your muscles recover faster afterContinueContinue reading “Supplement Review – Garden of Life SPORT Plant Based Recovery”

What Supplements Do I Need If I’m Working Out?

The simplest answer is…you don’t. If you’re already eating a healthy diet that has plenty of protein and antioxidants, then you probably don’t need any of the wide variety of products sold as “fitness supplements.” I view these very similarly to the vitamin aisle at the pharmacy or grocery store. If you’re already eating aContinueContinue reading “What Supplements Do I Need If I’m Working Out?”

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