The Answer For When You Want a Smoothie, but Can’t Make One – Chia Seed Protein Pudding!

I start almost each day with a protein smoothie. It’s a quick, efficient way to get a bunch of protein down the hatch and I can mix in creatine or anything else I want. I toss kale in there and don’t even taste it. I love it and it’s quick and easy and fits intoContinueContinue reading “The Answer For When You Want a Smoothie, but Can’t Make One – Chia Seed Protein Pudding!”

Hobbit Breakfast Scramble Recipe

This recipe is really more a template I use to make a breakfast scramble that I have for breakfast 6 days a week. It got it’s name because it’s usually my “second breakfast” and I was joking that I eat like a hobbit, with smaller meals every 2-3 hours, similar to the hobbits in LordContinueContinue reading “Hobbit Breakfast Scramble Recipe”

Kosher Vegan Gumbo? Yes!

When I first began eating kosher, I experimented quite a bit with making recipes kosher.  One of the first things I tackled was gumbo, which is a cajun stew that traditionally involves some mix of shellfish, chicken, and sausage in a rich, spicy broth thickened with a roux made of flour and butter.  With someContinueContinue reading “Kosher Vegan Gumbo? Yes!”

Mushroom Barley Soup

Mushrooms are pretty amazing little things.  We used to think they were mostly just water and, beyond being pretty tasty, didn’t do much for nutrition.  However, more recent research is pointing to mushrooms, even plain little white button mushrooms, being nutritional powerhouses, helpful with everything from diabetes, heart disease, to cancer and obesity.  They mayContinueContinue reading “Mushroom Barley Soup”

Cholent Rebooted!

Sometimes there are recipes that without them, a holiday or occasion just isn’t the same.  For my husband, cholent and Shabbos just go together.  For recipes like this, I like to do a “reboot” meaning I like to find some way to make something that satisfies that craving or desire without sacrificing healthy eating.  IContinueContinue reading “Cholent Rebooted!”

Daily Salad Template

This is more a template than a recipe and we eat this for at least one meal a day.  Really, except for breakfast, every meal begins with a bed of greens.  It’s an easy way to get a lot of nutrition in without a lot of calories or carbohydrates.  We have a different template forContinueContinue reading “Daily Salad Template”

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